Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our FAQ to get answers to our most common questions. If you’re still looking for more information after, feel free to contact us directly about your specific situation.

Trust is the currency of any relationship, personal and professional. Sharing sensitive information can be uncomfortable, particularly if you’ve never worked with an advisor before. All I can promise is that I will provide an objective and professional view of your financial situation. Your information is not shared with anyone except myself. My goal is to provide quality and consistent service that earns your trust over time.

There is no one-size fits all when it comes to the types of clients we work with. However, clients normally fall in 3 broad categories

  • You are currently working, but could see yourself retiring in the next 5-10 years and need help planning for that transition
  • Young families figuring out how to balance mortgage payments, saving for kids’ education and ensuring they build a solid foundation for their future
  • Business owners requiring guidance on the nuances of their corporation. Such as 
    • How much should I be paying myself? Should I pay myself salary or dividends?
    • Should I invest my money in a corporation or in my personal name?
    • Is my corporate structure ideal for my business? Do I need to introduce a holding company or family trust?

I’m open to a variety of investment philosophy’s and wouldn’t say “there’s only one way to do things”. Whether you’re a passive index investor, a dividend stock investor or a real estate investor all of these strategies do “work”. I would say that there are a couple things that usually don’t work for individuals managing their own accounts:

  • Active trading
  • Trading without a well defined and structured plan
  • Making “big bets” with your portfolio, I don’t see a downside to having some “fun money” that you trade with, provided that doing so scratches an itch and allows you to have a measured approach with the majority of your money

Communication is done through video calls and e-mail.

6 years of experience working in the Wealth Management industry. Meeting with clients, understanding their goals and building comprehensive financial plans to help them achieve their goals.

CFP (Certified Financial Planner) – More information on the CFP designation

CIM (Chartered Investment Manager) – More information on the CIM designation

At this time I only work with Canadians.

Payment is accepted via debit / credit card.

Yes. If there are no booking times available that work for you please send me an email and we can find a time that works

Future Proof Financial does not manage money for clients. However, if you’re interested in that service please reach out and we can discuss your specific situation.

If you already have funds invested with an advisor and would like a second opinion we offer a “second opinion” service for $500 + HST. After receiving our second opinion if you’d like to engage us for financial planning services we will deduct the second opinion charge.

Yes, this would fall under our “second opinion” service. This service is
$500 + HST, and includes a review of:

  • Your current asset allocation and how you’re money is invested
  • A review of your asset location, which ensures that your investments are
    organized in a tax efficient manner
  • A review of the fees you’re currently paying if working with an advisor

Yes, we’re are still able to work with you. However, I would explore with your current advisor first. Most advisors charge a fee as a % of the assets they manage which includes financial planning. While it’s not “free” it is already included in the fees that you are paying them to manage your investments. If you explore this option and would still like to explore our services, then please reach out.

Take a look at the Planning Process page, which is the first step to understand how the process usually goes.

If that doesn’t answer your question please feel free to email me or schedule a video call below.

Take a look at our data gathering checklist, which provides the information I need for most cases.

Ready to Begin?

The first call is free to see if we might be a good match for you and your financial goals